warm springs bahasa Inggris
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- this “lower pool” with an underwater tunnel, are you referring to Gandy Warm Springs because it sounds like it.
ini "kolam renang yang lebih rendah" dengan sebuah terowongan bawah air, yang Anda maksud Gandy Warm Springs karena kedengarannya seperti itu. - On March 29, 1945, Roosevelt went to the Little White House at Warm Springs, Georgia, to rest before his anticipated appearance at the founding conference of the United Nations.
Pada 29 Maret 1945, Franklin D. Roosevelt datang ke Gedung Putih Kecil di Warm Springs, Georgia, untuk beristirahat sebelum penampilan antisipasinya di konferensi pembukaan Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa. - A $46 million Clark County construction project that widened the widened much of Decatur Boulevard and introduced railroad crossing for both Decatur Blvd and Warm Springs Road under the Union Pacific tracks was completed in summer 2010.
Proyek konstruksi besar oleh Clark County sedang dilakukan (dijadwalkan selesai awal 2010) yang meliputi rel melintasi Decatur Blvd. dan Warm Springs Road di atas rel Union Pacific. - He first came to Warm Springs (formerly known as Bullochville) in 1924 for polio treatment, and liked the area so much that, as Governor of New York, he had a home built on nearby Pine Mountain.
Ia mula-mula datang ke Warm Springs (dulunya dikenal sebagai Bullochville) pada 1924 untuk pengobatan polio, dan menjadi suka dengan tempat tersebut, sehingga ia membangun sebuah rumah di dekat Pine Mountain. - In recognition of this groundbreaking discovery, which proved to be the basis for the fight against polio, he was posthumously inducted into the Polio Hall of Fame at Warm Springs, Georgia, which was dedicated in January 1958.
Dalam pengakuan penemuan inovatif ini, yang terbukti menjadi dasar untuk memerangi polio, ia secara anumerta dilantik ke dalam Hall of Fame Polio di Warm Springs, Georgia, yang didedikasikan pada Januari 1958.